Amazing Photographers who show how strange our World really is. #4 Blew my Mind

Things and people have been the focus of our attention for a long time now. Here are 6 photographs that challenge how we look at reality.

1. This photographer edits out our books to show our strange and lonely old world


2. This photographer edits out the food from his pictures and shows us how our habits form our reality


3. In this series of pictures the photographer attempted something that is unheard of: She edited out her boyfriend and realises that her couch is not as small as she thought. Eerie.


4. Sometimes things are not what they seem: This photographer edits people into her pictures and uses them as evidence for restraining orders. Amazing!


5. One photographer edits out the English oppression from Braveheart. Mind = Blown! It’s Footloose.


 6. This photographer edits everything out of her pictures and makes you contemplate how empty your life can be when you remove all the things from it.



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  • footloose: Bildrechte beim Autor
  • IMG_20151018_201622: Bildrechte beim Autor